
1. general catalog

Field (unit) Type Comment
obsid long integer Unique Spectra ID
designation varchar Target Designation
obsdate char Target Observation Date
lmjd char Local Modified Julian Day
planid char Plan Name
spid integer Spectrograph ID
fiberid integer Fiber ID
objra float Right Ascension
objdec float Declination
dataversion char Data Version
snru float Signal Noise Ratio of u filter
snrg float Signal Noise Ratio of g filter
snrr float Signal Noise Ratio of r filter
snri float Signal Noise Ratio of i filter
snrz float Signal Noise Ratio of z filter
objtype varchar Object Type
class varchar Spectra Type
subclass varchar Stellar Sub-Class
magtype varchar Target Magnitude Type
mag1 float Associated Magnitude 1
mag2 float Associated Magnitude 2
mag3 float Associated Magnitude 3
mag4 float Associated Magnitude 4
mag5 float Associated Magnitude 5
mag6 float Associated Magnitude 6
mag7 float Associated Magnitude 7
tsource varchar Organization or person who submits input catalog
fibertype varchar Fiber Type of target [Obj, Sky, F-std, Unused, PosErr, Dead]
tfrom varchar Input catalog submitted by an organization or a person determined by the tsource
t_info varchar Target ID from SDSS, UCAC4, PANSTAR and other catalogue
z float Redshift
rv float Heliocentric Radial Velocity
z_err float Redshift Uncertainty

2. A,F,G and K type stars catalog

Field (unit) Type Comment
obsid long integer Unique Spectra ID
designation varchar Target Designation
obsdate char Target Observation Date
lmjd char Local Modified Julian Day
planid char Plan Name
spid integer Spectrograph ID
fiberid integer Fiber ID
objra float Right Ascension
objdec float Declination
snru float Signal Noise Ratio of u filter
snrg float Signal Noise Ratio of g filter
snrr float Signal Noise Ratio of r filter
snri float Signal Noise Ratio of i filter
snrz float Signal Noise Ratio of z filter
objtype varchar Object Type
class varchar Stellar Class
subclass varchar Stellar Sub-Class
magtype varchar Target Magnitude Type
mag1 float Associated Magnitude 1
mag2 float Associated Magnitude 2
mag3 float Associated Magnitude 3
mag4 float Associated Magnitude 4
mag5 float Associated Magnitude 5
mag6 float Associated Magnitude 6
mag7 float Associated Magnitude 7
tsource varchar Organization or person who submits input catalog
fibertype varchar Fiber Type of target [Obj, Sky, F-std, Unused, PosErr, Dead]
tfrom varchar Input catalog submitted by an organization or a person determined by the tsource
t_info varchar Target ID from SDSS, UCAC4, PANSTAR and other catalogue
rv float Heliocentric Radial Velocity
rv_err float Uncertainty of Heliocentric Radial Velocity
logg float Surface Gravity which are obtained by the software of ULYSS
logg_err float Surface Gravity Uncertainty
teff float Effective Temperature which are obtained by the software of ULYSS
teff_err float Effective Temperature Uncertainty
feh float Metallicity which are obtained by the software of ULYSS
feh_err float Metallicity Uncertainty

3. A type stars catalog

Field Type Comment
obsid long integer Unique Spectra ID
designation varchar Target Designation
obsdate char Target Observation Date
lmjd char Local Modified Julian Day
planid char Plan Name
spid integer Spectrograph ID
fiberid integer Fiber ID
objra float Right Ascension
objdec float Declination
snru float Signal Noise Ratio of u filter
snrg float Signal Noise Ratio of g filter
snrr float Signal Noise Ratio of r filter
snri float Signal Noise Ratio of i filter
snrz float Signal Noise Ratio of z filter
objtype varchar Object Type
class varchar Stellar Class
subclass varchar Stellar Sub-Class
magtype varchar Target Magnitude Type
mag1 float Associated Magnitude 1
mag2 float Associated Magnitude 2
mag3 float Associated Magnitude 3
mag4 float Associated Magnitude 4
mag5 float Associated Magnitude 5
mag6 float Associated Magnitude 6
mag7 float Associated Magnitude 7
tsource varchar Organization or person who submits input catalog
fibertype varchar Fiber Type of target [Obj, Sky, F-std, Unused, PosErr, Dead]
tfrom varchar Input catalog submitted by an organization or a person determined by the tsource
t_info varchar Target ID from SDSS, UCAC4, PANSTAR and other catalogue
rv float Heliocentric Radial Velocity
rv_err float Uncertainty of Heliocentric Radial Velocity
halphaindice float Line Indice of Halpha line
hbetaindice float Line Indice of Hbeta line
hgamaindice float Line Indice of Hgama line
hdeltaindice float Line Indice of Hdelta line
halphad02 float Width at 20% below the local continuum of Halpha line
hbetad02 float Width at 20% below the local continuum of Hbeta line
hgamad02 float Width at 20% below the local continuum of Hgama line
hdeltad02 float Width at 20% below the local continuum of Hdelta line

4. M type stars catalog

Field (unit) Type Comment
obsid long integer Unique Spectra ID
designation varchar Target Designation
obsdate float Target Observation Date
lmjd char Local Modified Julian Day
planid char Plan Name
spid integer Spectrograph ID
fiberid integer Fiber ID
objra float Right Ascension
objdec float Declination
snru float Signal Noise Ratio of u filter
snrg float Signal Noise Ratio of g filter
snrr float Signal Noise Ratio of r filter
snri float Signal Noise Ratio of i filter
snrz float Signal Noise Ratio of z filter
objtype varchar Object Type
class varchar Stellar Class
subclass varchar Stellar Sub-Class
magtype varchar Target Magnitude Type
mag1 float Associated Magnitude 1
mag2 float Associated Magnitude 2
mag3 float Associated Magnitude 3
mag4 float Associated Magnitude 4
mag5 float Associated Magnitude 5
mag6 float Associated Magnitude 6
mag7 float Associated Magnitude 7
tsource varchar Organization or person who submits input catalog
fibertype varchar Fiber Type of target [Obj, Sky, F-std, Unused, PosErr, Dead]
tfrom varchar Input catalog submitted by an organization or a person determined by the tsource
t_info varchar Target ID from SDSS, UCAC4, PANSTAR and other catalogue
rv float Heliocentric Radial Velocity
rv_err float Uncertainty of Heliocentric Radial Velocity
ATCHA integer Magnetic Activity

5. observed plate information catalog

Field (unit) Type Comment
plateid Integer Plate ID
obsdate float Target Observation Date
planid char Plan Name
cra float Right Ascension of center star
cdec float Declination of center star
cmag float Magnitude of center star
seeing float Seeing of the first exposure
exptime float The total exposure time of n time exposures
mjm Integer Local Modified Julian Minute at the start time of each plate